Thursday, March 27, 2014

Eight Ways to Create Stronger Passwords and Protect Your Accounts

The longer the password, the better.
This is the most effective solution to strengthening your accounts. Unfortunately, this is also one of the most commonly limiting factors as many sites don't support long enough passwords. This could be because site designers don't properly understand password security, or they are limited by some back-end systems. Many sites require at least one number, letter and special character, then limit the length to eight characters.
A better password is something that is more than a word or two words combined together, or ideally a sentence that is at least 15 characters in length. You can easily start better protection today by updating simple passwords to a longer passphrase. This becomes harder to crack for automated tools because the combination of characters has increased greatly. But in the event that a longer password is something simple, it could still present a problem.

Stay away from "password" and "123456."
SplashData recently published their findings for the top 25 worst Passwords of 2013 based on the password breaches that occurred over the year. In a small twist, "123456" has taken the number one spot away from "password." If your password is on this list, it would be best to update it to a more secure password immediately. 

Don't use the same password across multiple sites.
A big concern many users have is trying to remember a different password for all of their applications or websites. This usually leads to re-using passwords across multiple sites, which is a bad practice as it makes your accounts easier to breach. Vary passwords across site logins to strengthen account security.

Don't use the same username across multiple sites.
Many sites don't even consider a username as sensitive information, but it is a necessary component to successfully break into an account. Vary your username with your site logins to build further armor against attackers. For sites that require the user to login with an email address as their username, it can be possible to set up different email aliases to vary the username per site. It is common for many banking sites to allow the creation of a username that isn't an email address. We recommend creating specific usernames for these accounts that don't overlap with other accounts.

Use a password manager.
A password manager is an application that helps manage your passwords and login info for your site memberships, as well as secret security questions for the "forgot password" screen. Many of them allow syncing between devices, and storing all the data on their servers on the Internet. Carefully research the different password managers before choosing one. Have there been any issues with the password manager safely storing passwords both locally and on the Internet? Properly implemented password managers are safer to use when saving to the Internet. While Jardine doesn't endorse any specific password manager, he personally uses SplashID from SplashData. There are many other ones out there like LastPass and Security Everywhere. The key is finding a password manager that aligns with your devices and specific needs.

Know that swapping numbers and characters for letters doesn't help.
Another common belief is that substituting numbers or symbols for letters in words will make accounts more difficult to crack. Since attackers use sophisticated automated tools to hack accounts, the systems are able to swap potential characters. When password length is limited, rather than trying to use common words that use substitution, try to choose values that do not sound like words, or look like anything that would be found in a dictionary (t1i2m3e4 is not as strong as Gu83fv1Z). Another option is to create a sentence you will remember, then use the first letter of every word in the sentence. It is also good to keep up with common passwords being used so you stay away from those as well.

Enable multi-factor authentication where possible.
Many sites now offer multi-factor authentication. A great example is the Google Authenticator App, where you enter your normal login information, then a unique code that changes every minute. The code is delivered via the Google Authenticator App installed on your mobile device. Gmail, Wordpress and Dreamhost offer the Google Authenticator App. This additional security feature does not mean you can choose weaker passwords, but is an extra line of defense if passwords are stolen.

If your account is hacked, change the password immediately.
It is often difficult to know your account has been hacked until something alerts you. For example, your contacts may start receiving malicious emails from your email account, or when you try to log in you find the password has been changed. Some systems will show you a login history, including the IP address, so you can verify no one else has logged into your account. If you discover that you have had a password compromised, immediately change the password to stop any attackers from accessing that account.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Internet of Things will Have Ten Times More Impact on Society Than Internet

Cisco says that by 2020 there will be over 50 billion devices connected to the Internet. 

The connected devices will be not just computers, tablets or smartphones, but sunglasses, watches, cars or vending machines that will be able to guess your tastes. 

The Internet of Things (IoT) will generate revenues of $19 trillion dollars and will have five to ten times more impact on society than had Internet.

The technology vendors are already working to develop chips and adapted to the new application of wearable computers and Cisco itself has developed division dedicated to IoT. But Cisco intends to do more to encourage the community’s attention to IoT IT issues.

With the IoT is making a significant part of the Internet of Everything, the connected devices with people, processes and data brings together, it is imperative to ensure the safety of the things with which we connect. In the health sector it is easy to imagine how internet-connected devices are revolutionizing the care of patients. The transport sector are connecting technology to vehicles and their subsystems to the internet. Unfortunately, it is too easy to imagine how these developments are changing the world could go horribly wrong when they are attacked or corrupted.

They are mainly different kinds of sensors and systems to monitor the work of virtually any electrical device installed in the household. Experts warn that cybercriminals will target these systems because it is entirely new environment for developers and not much work has been done on security.

The network plays a critical role as the connectivity platform for control and operational systems, sensors, machines, and devices. It must provide a secure infrastructure that can support billions of context-aware devices, people, processes, and data.

To strengthen the work on the safety of the Internet of Things, Cisco has decided to hold a competition with $300,000 prize tag for having the best security solutions for the IoT. Cisco reports that the Internet of Things Forum (body assessing the proposals of solutions) will select six of the best works, and the final competition will be held this autumn. The creators of these solutions will receive cash prizes ranging from 50 to 70 thousand dollars. Cisco expects that this solution will be designed primarily for application areas such as public transport, health care, energy, and mining.

Many technology companies to invest in the internet of things, the designation for the development of everyday devices that communicate over the Internet. Recently tech companies started a new initiative called AllSeen Alliance, a consortium created by Linux Foundation to encourage the adoption of common standards to be used in the development of devices and services for IoT. IBM is investing heavily on smarter cities initiatives as part of its Intelligent Operations Center, Maximo Asset Management, and advanced analytics capabilities.

Last week, IBM and AT&T reached into an agreement to combine their analytics platforms, cloud and security technologies in order to gain more insights on data collected from machines in various industries. The new AT&T and IBM alliance will initially focus on the creation of new solutions for municipalities and medium-sized utilities. These organizations want to integrate and analyze data that arise from the records of facilities such as transport vehicles, utility meters and security cameras and other connected devices.

Ways To Negotiate For A Higher Salary

Overcome the fear of rejection and resentment and bring in self-confidence while asking for a higher salary.
Salary negotiation happens either when an employee explores a new job opportunity, or during the yearly performance assessment meetings in the current organisation. Though difficult, it is necessary that employees at all levels overcome the fear of rejection while asking for a salary hike. Let’s find out the trick of doing it the right way…
Six guidelines to adhere to when one decides to engage in negotiating higher salary:
Do homework on market benchmarks, compensation trends:
Thorough market research across industry verticals sets the ground work for a better understanding of the compensation trends and current realities. Some of the important research areas will be to find out the range of market salary for the position offered by the new organisation, or the role in the current organisation based on experience and qualification; and, the market trend specific to the industry/sector.
Take inputs from professionals and recruitment consultants, the state of business operations and the compensation structure of the organisation in order to assess its percentile positioning in the market compensation. One should use this data to take an informed stand prior to the salary negotiation.
What value you bring in?
Be very clear about how you are going to add value to the business objectives and deliverables. Once you have the clarity on the linkage between your own deliverables and the tangible business outcome, it becomes much easier to justify the basis for negotiation and one becomes confident of the compelling reasons to look forward to a higher salary.
Overcome fear/shyness:
Probably, the most common reason why one doesn’t ask for a higher salary is for the fear of being rejected, fear of coming across as demanding or fear of resentment from one’s boss. One has to overcome this fear and bring in self-confidence to justify the case of asking for a higher salary. This can only be possible when someone has substantial data and facts captured from research as mentioned earlier, which helps in an objective and professional discussion around salary increase.
Last drawn salary as the baseline:
Most often any new salary offer gets pegged to the last drawn salary. It is only fair that the current salary should be treated as the baseline for further increments. However, one needs to keep in mind the additional competencies required to manage the challenges and deliverables of the new role. This will help justify the indicative increase on the last drawn salary.
Comprehend and negotiate the CTC components:
In most cases, negotiation happens over CTC (Cost to company), which in most cases, is divided between fixed and variable parts. However, it is very important to comprehend and if required, negotiate on the various components of your CTC, which might help in arriving at a better take home salary.
Be realistic and reasonable:
One should be realistic about what you are asking for. The negotiation discussion should not be perceived by the organisation that the employee is demanding and greedy, something which is unreasonable and unjustified. It is always appreciated when the employee creates a platform for objective and factual discussion, which leads to a mutually agreed outcome.

10 ways in which you can negotiate your salary

Here are some common mistakes you can avoid while discussing your salary with a potential employer.
If you didn’t bag the best compensation in the market when you switched jobs, don’t worry. The best of professionals come up short when it comes to discussing salary with a new employer.
1) Accept initial offer and lose Rs 1 crore
Always, always, always negotiate. Women and first-time job seekers are more prone to accepting the opening offer without questioning it. A 10% salary difference in the first job with a CTC of Rs 4 lakh represents a lifetime loss of over Rs 1 crore, assuming a 15% annual hike over a 40-year career.
So, politely restate your case and provide justification for a revised offer. In over 95% of the cases, the employer has not made his best offer right away and is expecting you to negotiate upwards. As a ballpark, ask for a 10% increase.
2) Do your homework on position & firm
Thoroughly research the market and the firm. In negotiations, as in war, the better prepared side wins. Never approach a new employer without finding out the standard market salary for the position offered based on your experience and qualification.
Start with online research, and then talk to professionals and recruitment consultants. You can also speak to people in the company to have an idea about the latest state of its business, operations and the compensation structure. Use this data to justify your stand.
3) Don’t use last salary or financial need as pegs
Focus on the value you will bring to the company. Most professionals are browbeaten by the firm’s hiring manager, who will peg the new offer to your last drawn salary. This is usually underselling your competence since it does not give you a fair market correction.
Similarly, do not negotiate on the grounds of how much money you need. Convey the value addition you will provide to the profile and firm, and why you deserve a better deal.
4) Have a back-up plan
Know your options if you choose to walk away from the offer. Only if you have a back-up plan can you negotiate without fear and take a stand on a fair compensation structure. This is the reason it’s not advisable to quit a job before you find a new one. In today’s challenging job market, a few months of savings or an alternate source of income will do wonders for your confidence during the negotiation process.
5) Let the employer start salary discussion
Let the employer talk about salary first. Most newcomers make the mistake of initiating the compensation discussion early on in the game. This exposes your inexperience and sends a negative signal that you are concerned only about the salary, not the profile. On the other hand, if the employer makes the first move and quotes a figure, it sets the floor for the negotiation and the final salary can only be negotiated upwards from there.
6) Don’t be eager to share information
Be miserly about sharing salary details initially. Knowledge is power, more so in a negotiation. So, don’t be in a hurry to pass on information about your past compensation, precise expectations about salary, bonus etc.
Focus on discussing your achievements, proposed job profile, and your fit with the position and the company. The more you delay it, the greater is the time that the firm is investing in your hiring. This usually translates into a better job offer.
7) Only accept a verbal offer
Get every commitment in writing. If the hiring manager makes a verbal one—review in six months or a guaranteed 20% bonus—it has no meaning. If the firm is reluctant or slow in making its promises in writing, treat it with suspicion.
The firm is either looking at a stronger candidate or has no intention of following up on its promises. Do not resign from your existing job till you have signed a written offer.
8) Avoid wrong advisers
Trust either your own research or independent consultants. The hiring manager’s advice to you about the ‘great’ offer is a clear conflict of interest. So is the advice of the recruitment consultant who is dealing with you.
The inputs from inexperienced negotiators like your friends often miss the point and focus on power play instead of creating value. So, conduct your own research and seek inputs from consultants not related to the ongoing hiring process.
9) Refuse instant rewards
Invest in delayed gratification. If the hiring manager throws in a Rs 1.2 lakh joining bonus to sweeten the deal, recognise that it will not be there next year. So, your take-home salary in the second year will be lesser.
Instead, ask for a Rs 10,000 monthly hike. Though there won’t be any instant cash, the cumulative benefits will be much more, as also permanent. Similarly, the new job should add long-term, permanent value to your career and not be a fresh start for the sake of compensation.
10) Don’t show desperation
Rehearse your lines to avoid showing your need. As in a dating game or a sales process, any hint of desperation swiftly kills your ability to succeed. Even if you urgently need the job, you will have to find a way to stay calm and respond smartly during the selection and negotiation process.
Seek inputs from trusted professionals to rehearse your responses. Don’t be in a tearing hurry to reply to e-mails and job offers from the hiring manager. Respond as you would to standard communication.
Don’t forget the extras
Sign-on bonus
If the employer’s bureaucratic salary band restricts him from paying your worth, ask for a signon bonus to cover the difference. It is the easiest solution for the employer to match your value without upsetting the applecart. The bond for this should not exceed 12 months.
Relocation cost
Most of the employers would be willing to consider covering your relocation expenses if you were to take up the issue. The amount is typically higher for senior positions, so negotiate accordingly. Check if the reimbursement is for actual expenses and whether it is tax-exempt.
Flexitime & flexiplace
How much would you pay for the privilege of flexitime at your workplace? Or for the opportunity to work from home? Both benefits have a tangible value for you. Discuss these options with the firm to make your offer more attractive.
Six-month review
Depending on the firm’s annual performance review cycle, the next increment and bonus could be 12-18 months away. Ask for an early review in, say, six months. It is not a risk for the employer, while it gives you an opportunity to prove your worth and earn a quick salary revision and/or bonus.
Though often bound by rigid policies, many employers are willing to look at special requests for paid leave. You can explore the options for a longer maternity leave, a sabbatical in 3 years’ time, a month’s furlough after 18 months, or simply an extra week’s leave.
Source: The Economic Times